Italy 2020

Private Press

My Rating 90/100

Introduction: Whilst the following is my review of Barbara Rubin’s album ‘The Shadows Playground’ I contacted her for more information. I was pleased that she answered my questions and so I subsequently integrated her comments into the body of this text. Thank you, Barbara!

Barbara Rubin is an Italian classically trained musician who lives in a small village in the province of Pavia, Lombardy which is also the location for her ‘Neraluce’ home studio. Without any experience at all, she worked hard to master all of the principles for recording, mastering and the production of her own music and in the bargain achieving independent status. Barbara quotes,” I love the creativity of editing my music and being totally involved in the entire process and then realizing an exciting end product.

She studied at the ‘Conservatorio di Musica’ and although she graduated in violin her studies also included the piano with instrumental exercises in quartet and orchestra and the harmony analysis of musical compositions. Such grand centres of learning, of course, are not only deeply rooted in just musical theory but are also equipped to encourage students to be ‘as one with their instrument’. In this respect, Barbara remembers how “Violinist “Fabio Biondi” (of the Italian period-instrument Baroque orchestra) demonstrated the importance of empathetic interrelationship of musician, instrument and the music itself.

Barbara’s says her earliest recollections in respect to music was probably listening with her parents to songs from the Italian sixties and especially ‘James Last’ and ‘Mario del Monaco’ on 33rpm. And then “It was very important for me that my cousin influenced me with Kiss and Beatles music. So I fell in love of Rock!” But I love classical music especially the baroque music and XIXsec piano works. Between these two genera’s there are a lot of other music I love,

Barbara’s third album ‘The Shadows Playground’ was recorded at her home studio and is absolutely steeped in classical music charm. But whilst the compositions exude her own vocal stylisations the driving instrumental bearing throughout the entire album is created by her wonderfully crafted piano work. Distinct comparisons to ‘Kate Bush’ come to mind with Barbara’s beautifully constructed piano work packed into every chasm of the music Clearly it is not just that their music is piano-driven storytelling. But it is the very essence of Barbara’s compositional skills and the delicate flavour of the lyrics that draw such comparisons.

The subtitle ‘Piano Works’ amply describes the overall texture of the music with a preponderance of carefully crafted piano chord sequences, runs and fills which dominate the instrumental proceedings. But, here and there, carefully intermingled within the structure are little incursions of synthesiser that add another level of artistic delight within the musical framework. And also a further development and a ‘total joy to behold ‘are several selected tracks where the electric violin takes either a lead role or dances in spectacular fashion in tandem with the piano. The union of these two instruments result in a delightfully harmonious experience which can only be described as a complexity of both composition and melodic union as the two instruments ebb and flow together.

The vocals are all beautifully worked out and executed. Especially enjoyable are the duets and individual pieces with ‘Andrea Giolo.’ Without doubt, Barbara’s and Andrea’s two voices meld perfectly together and in fact, the combination is something quite special. Andrea was involved in Barbara’s first solo album “Under the Ice”. Barbara actually met him 15 years ago when they both sang in a ‘Toto’ tribute band. They soon became friends and love to sing together. Certainly, in my opinion, a great idea for a future duet based album.

Summary: A beautifully composed album of wonderful harmonic vocals set within glorious piano and violin accompaniments

Track List: Side A: Endless Hope – Seven – La Maddalena – Clouds – Sunrise Promenade

Side B: The Shadows Playground – Sleeping Violin – La Ballata degli Angeli – Helen’s

Word Music and Lyrics by Barbara Rubin

Barbara Rubin: lead and backing vocals, violin, viola, piano and synthesizers, guitar, bass and drums. Andrea Giolo: lead and backing vocals

Veronica Fasanelli: vocals in the grand choir of “Helen’s Words”

Martina Donà: graphic designer

Pictures by Simona Sottocornola “The Shadows Playground” is recorded, mixed and Mastered by Barbara Rubin in her own NERALUCE STUDIO. Italy 2020