Enuff Z’nuff are back with their second album since frontman Donnie Vie departed (for the second time), with vocals again being undertaken by bassist Chip Z’nuff. It is pretty much the same line-up as 2018’s ‘Diamond Boy’, with Chip being joined again by Tory Stoffregen (lead guitar) and Daniel B. Hill (drums), but there is also “new boy” Alex Kane on rhythm guitar. The last is in quotation marks as Alex was actually in the band before they were signed up for their debut album, and these days is probably best known for forming AntiProduct. While I do find it hard to think of the band without Donnie, who makes an appearance on “Strangers In My Head”, they have yet again produced an album that definitely deserves the name on the cover.

Enuff Z’nuff are what The Beatles would sound like if they were playing 80’s melodic rock and AOR-influenced music, and although somewhat formulaic in that respect, each of their albums can bring a smile to even the most hardened listener, it just depends on the album as to how wide it is. The CND peace symbol is proudly on the cover, as it is on most of their releases, alongside their chaotic logo, and inside we get exactly what we expect. The only jar is the introduction to “It’s All In Vain” which makes me think of “God Gave Rock and Roll To You” every time I play it, and it always seems weird that it goes in a very different direction after a few bars. But throughout we have the harmony vocals and pop sensibilities we have come to expect, all brought together inside a melodic rock package. There are times when it does feel somewhat formulaic, and there are times there is just too much sugar, which is never good for anyone, and one wishes there was something just to point it in a different direction, but that is never going to happen. More a cheeky grin than a wide-mouthed smile, this is something fans of the band will certainly enjoy, while lovers of solid AOR pop rock will also find plenty here.

Rating: 7/10
