This album is something of a surprise to metalheads, as prior to this the last album was all the way back in 2004. Anders Odden (guitar, bass, vocals) has been keeping busy since then, playing with multiple bands including Satyricon and Celtic Frost, but slowly building up material for what could be a new Cadaver release. Things started to gain momentum in 2014, when he met and became friends with Megadeth (and former Soilwork) drummer Dirk Verbeuren. “In my heart I have always had the notion that Cadaver exists somehow,” Anders explains. “Dirk played session live work for Satyr icon on the 70000 Tons Of Metal cruise in 2014 and we got to know each other then. He talked about how much he loved Cadaver and I then told him that I had been recording demos for 10 years without a drummer – So, being the guy he is, he then says, ‘Send the songs to me!’”.

It may have taken six years for those initial ideas to be turned into a reality, but Cadaver are back with a new album, which comes in, blasts open the skull to get to the brain and soon retreats. Ten songs in just over 31 minutes, it certainly does not outstay its welcome and one of the delights of this album is the way that each song is quite different to the rest while never moving far away from the death metal roots. There are times when elements of blackened death also creep in, and the duo happily blend the sub genres, so they never feel strained, but always with incredibly firm and powerful direction. While Anders handles most of the vocals, Kam Lee (Massacre) and Jeff Becerra (Possessed) guest on a song each but keeping very much to the Cadaver style, so this stays as a band and not just a project. That feeling is reinforced by both guys seeing this as a long-term relationship, and let’s hope that it does not take six years for another album to be available as anyone who enjoys this style of music is going to get a great deal from this.

Rating: 8/10
