Malcom John Rebennack, Jr. – better known as Dr. John, The Night Tripper, is rightfully viewed as one of the most important musical characters to come out of the South, and every serious music lover will have at least ‘Gris-Gris’ in their collection. This album is unusual in that while it is not a new album, as such, at the same time it is. Back in 1974 Dr. John released ‘Anytime, Anyplace’, (also issued as ‘One Night Late’), and his vocals from that album have now been lifted and the songs reinterpreted by new musicians with his vocals placed on top. If one didn’t know that background, one would just think this was a “normal” Dr. John album, as there is no indication that the musicians are playing to the vocals as opposed to the other way around.

Part of me really enjoys the re-interpretation of the material, which has been done with care and forethought, yet part of me finds it a little creepy to be honest. Dr John was an incredible musician and performer who continued to record and tour throughout his long career and would have had plenty of opportunity to re-record an old album in a new manner if he had wanted to. Would he have approved of what had been done with some of his old material? I have no idea whatsoever, but given he died in 2019 and this was released towards the end of 2020 I am not sure if he was even aware that it was taking place. However, all those involved, from blues veterans such as Sonny Landreth and Joe Louis Walker through to newcomers Chantel McGregor, King Solomon Hicks and Mike Dawes and fellow New Orleans icon Doug Kershaw, have treated this with reverence and have stayed true to the original feel and style of the man. They have all put their mark on the album yet have done so to lift the legacy of Dr. John and show a new generation just how important he was to them personally. They have not messed about with arrangements to turn them into travesties of their former selves, but instead have tried to stay true while also putting their own stamp on it. I may not wholeheartedly agree with what has been done, not no-one can dispute that the outcome makes this essential for any lover of The Night Tripper.

Rating: 8/10
