Moonflower are one of those really rare bands, where the drummer is also the lead singer. They are normally described as being an incredibly tight outfit heavily inspired by 60’s and 70’s soul/rock and blues, but to be honest that is not what I am listening to. Written and recorded when Nicole (vocals, drums) was waiting for her first ever operation, here we have a number which is based all around gentle electric piano and a drum beat, with her wonderful vocals over the top. It is delicate, reflective, with a pace which is almost funeral. There are some sounds which are more from the dance field, and that is probably due to the influence of Nicole’s brother-in-law ‘Big Guts Billy’, who normally works in Hip Hop, who agreed to mix and master it.

Here we have a song that greatly benefits from being played on headphones, as it is deliberately quiet, and it would be wrong to play it too loudly. We get taken into the song, which is full of space, yet whereas some tracks feel like they are meandering with no purpose, this really feels that there is a sense of direction, but it is just that no-one is in any particular hurry to get to the destination. Apparently, Nicole originally came up with the song and messed about it just to stay busy and not to worry about the forthcoming operation, but the end result is something which has a spark and presence within it. There is a steel within the silk and gossamer, with the knowledge that the everything is deliberately restrained and although the band could burst out at any second, they choose not to, which makes it even more powerful.

Rating: 7/10
