Whenever I see the names George Lynch and Jeff Pilson together then one word springs immediately to mind, Dokken. Together with Don Dokken and Mick Brown, the quartet were a force to be reckoned with some stunning albums and live performances. It is safe to say there have been some issues between some of the guys over the years, but Lynch and Pilson have worked together in different projects, and now they are back with this. The concept is simple enough, bring in additional musicians and different lead singers, and re-record pop hits as metal numbers. The issue here is that while the concept is simple, the execution and choice of songs is somewhat lacking.

It feels like a pointless exercise of some guys going through the motions, and it comes to something when Tom Jones’ collaboration with The Art of Noise on Prince’s “Kiss” feels far more dramatic a powerful than the version here. Pilson is a standout performer and bassist, and I loved seeing him in Foreigner a few years back when I was in the States, while Lynch is an incredible guitarist who has a wide variety of styles and can really shred when he needs to, but together they have combined to produce an album which is throwaway at best. While there may be some old Dokken fans who will be intrigued enough to see what the guys have done together, even they will only play it once and then put it on the shelf.

Rating: 5/10
