I’ve been racking my brains, but after more than 30 years of writing about music I am convinced, this is the first album I have ever reviewed a band from Ecuador. This is the debut album from Claudio C (guitar/vocals), Israel (bass/vocals) and M. Togra (drums) and they have brought in some guest singers in Ewan Lambert (Corpseflesh), Sonny Trujillo (Cadaverous Infest) and Pipo Castellanos (Cafeterasub). The result is something which could have been released as a demo back in the early 90’s, and even then, reviewers would have been complaining about the production and the snare drum. It does not take long for two different thoughts to come through. Firstly, do they sound like this when they play live, and secondly what would the drummer do if I took away the snare?

The guitar and bass are a muddy mess with little in the way of definition, while the drummer likes to play his snare drum, a lot. It also cuts through the rest of the sound, which means that the only thing the listener is concentrating on is that single strike – there is no doubt he can play incredibly quickly, but what made the likes of Mick Harris such an important part of the grindcore scene was not only that ability to be blisteringly fast but also to play in multiple different styles. Due to the strange production, it is a very lop-sided release, with the music being totally at odds with the sound clips they play between some tracks, and unless you want to say you own an album by a death metal band from Ecuador then this is one to avoid.

Rating: 4/10
