On this his sixth album as band leader, guitarist Reza Khan has been joined by his long-time band (pianist Matt King, bassist Mark Egan, drummer Maurizio Zottarelli and, on two selections, rhythm and Brazilian guitarist Sergio Pereira) along with guest appearances from David Mann (on soprano, flute and other wind instruments), electric guitarist Miles Gilderdale (best-known for his work with Acoustic Alchemy), and Philippe Saisse on keyboards. The result is a jazz fusion delight, with the guitar front and centre, as the band move in different directions and styles, limited only by their imagination and the conjuring of the road.

This means the guitar may be acoustic, the bass may be fretless, while the percussion is always important in the way it sets the rhythm, and the piano is an integral part of everything they do. Unlike some JRF releases, this is never at risk of disappearing in a puff of pomposity, but instead there is a reason for every single note and while the arrangement is massively complex (and complicated), there is a sense of space and relaxation within this which means the listener is able to let this all flow over them. Khan is also happy to share the limelight with others, as such as the delicate flute on ‘Seven Mile Road’, and while there is always a groove with musicians blending their lines together they are also prepared to lock it down with some wonderful runs as they lock in together. There is an explanation within digipak of what every song is about, and the journey on the road, and this provides some further understanding which makes this a delight album in all aspects.

Rating: 8/10
