Some of the earliest music I recall hearing when I was growing up was big band jazz. My dad no longer played vinyl, but he used to have an 8-track in the car, and I distinctly remember my personal favourite at a very tender age was “(I’ve Got a Gal In) Kalamazoo”. Needless to say, whenever I come across big bands, I feel an affinity with them as it feels homely and right – bearing in mind that this was actually the first secular music I ever heard as while there were hymns and Christian music in the house, there was nothing else. Here we find Jon Schapiro and his band working through seven originals, plus one cover, “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face”.

What makes this album work so incredibly well is the way Schapiro writes for the whole orchestra, not favouring one area or another, giving everyone their opportunity as he moves through different styles and forms. If I could, I would copy the whole of the booklet notes from Ingrid Jensen, as there is incredible insight into every piece which provides far more information and knowledge than I could ever hope to impart. Just reading the words makes me feel incredibly inadequate, as this is an area of music where I cannot say I have any deep understanding or experience, but I do know what I like. And I like this. Definitely worthy of investigation for anyone into big band jazz, and I highly recommend you search out the physical version as opposed to the digital as the booklet adds so much more.

Rating: 8/10
