Here we have the latest single from Wellington-based indie-alternative band Vogel Town who feature Andrew Roberts is on the guitar, and Aaron Mody on drums/percussion. This instrumental track starts with some hand drums and a single guitar playing a repeated riff, and then quickly builds so we have a full drum kit and at least three guitars and a bass being deployed. Although it seems that the guys are going to continue on a specific path they soon veer away and bring in some reggae elements before moving back into standard time. There are quite a few shifts within this, and lots of space within the arrangement, while the overall sound and approach is very much like the guitar bands of the early Sixties such as The Shadows when guitarists like Bert Weedon, Hank Marvin and Joe Brown were at the top of their game.

I was somewhat surprised when it ended when I initially played it, as in some ways this did not feel like it has been completely finished, which may be due to the way they go through many different styles within it, and I had expected some more as the climax. Their sound is nice and fresh, crisp, and perfectly suited for summer (if it ever arrives), and I can certainly see this being a backdrop to parties on the beach.

Rating: 6/10
