When the mighty Seas of Conflict released their latest single, Consume, it featured the rock vocals of Lana Paige, who I have previously seen perform as frontwoman for Dogtooth Amethyst, who recently changed their name to Enclosures. I sent Lana the review, and it was only when chatting with her that I realised she had released a single earlier in the year, so of course the only thing to do is listen to it and then write a review. With lyrics and melody by her sister Shannon McIntyre, the band on this was Ron Thaler (drums, who also produced it), Dixon Nacey (guitars), Matt Soong (keyboards), and Wayne McIntyre (bass). I did not know what to expect, but I am sure this is not it.

Anyone who has seen Lana front a metal band will know she a force of nature, full of bellowing power and gruff vocals, totally at one with the groove. Here she has tamed that beast, and while the arrangement has a rock base, it is very much of a far more delicate nature than what I thought it would be, and then at the front there is Lana singing in a totally different manner to what I expected. Throughout this she has an edge which shows there is more to her voice than what we are hearing, as there is an obvious breadth which is quite different to many, demonstrating there is more in the tank. This alt rock indie number allows Lana to demonstrate a very different side to what metalheads would expect and is something I enjoyed immensely. It will be interesting to see what the future holds for Lana and where she goes next, as she is able to happily reside within different musical genres, a rare talent indeed.

Rating: 8/10
