Angel, the band who burned hot and fast in the Seventies, before a new version tried again at the turn of the century, are back with their second album since they reformed in 2018 with original singer Frank DiMino and original guitarist Punky Meadows. The rest of the band is still Danny Farrow (rhythm guitars), Charlie Calv (keyboards), Steve Ojane (bass) and Billy Orrico (drums) and there is no doubt whatsoever that they are continuing the Angel legacy with style and aplomb. As soon as I saw the artwork I was intrigued as this has much more in common with the style I expect, far more glamorous than the last one where although the band were again on the cover in white, it felt way more hard-edged. The logo is at the top, the band here have fantastical imagery behind, and the whole impression is much more of a Seventies feel.

I wish there were a few more keyboards throughout, but tracks such as “Psyclone” find the band blasting as if it were the old days once again, and while neither Punky or Frank are in the first flushes of youth anymore (they must be in their Seventies now), this is a real blast from the past. Frank still gets up into the high ranges with seeming ease, while Punky shows he is far more than just someone to be sung about by Frank Zappa, and has a powerful control of riffs and licks. The first time I played this album I enjoyed it but was not too sure, but the more I have listened to it the more I have come to realise this is probably their best album since the mighty ‘Helluva Band’ all the way back in 1976. Here we have hard rock pomp from a band who refuse to give up and are still out there pounding the boards and creating great music, from ballads through to powering rockers which show others there is no need to sit back and rest but to keep pushing through to the end. I would love to hear these guys invite Gregg Giuffria back into the fold for one last time to bring back their truly classic sound, but there is no doubt they are doing well without him, as this is classic Angel from beginning to end.

Rating: 8/10
