From what I can gather, this Portland-based band released two albums, of which this was the second, in 2014 and 2015, and although they are no longer in existence, they have made both of these available on Bandcamp free of charge. At the time of recording they were a trio of Dylan Campbell (vocals, drums, acoustic guitar), Brill Ritter (vocals, bass, trumpet) and Aaron Fowler Clark (vocals, guitar, synths) along with a few guests, Dave Willey (accordion and hurdy gurdy), Ben Spees (keyboards, synths), Trony Mowe (saxophone) and Shayan Sya (guest vocals). Yes, I have typed their name correctly, it is just they prefer the k and c the other way around, hence why they have “trakcs”.

One thing I have always liked about Bandcamp is that it is possible for a band to tag the genres they feel they relate to, and here we get “progressive rock, rock, shoegaze, dream pop, heirloom, stoner, krautrock, noise rock and post rock” and there are certainly times when they sound like they are attempting to play all of them at the same time. There are no rules here, they do what they like, when they like, and if it results in a dissonant chaotic mess then all the better as far as they are concerned. There are times as if it is just word association put into musical form, but not everyone is on the same wavelength, and I am not actually convinced they all have a radio. This is “music” which is challenging, and quite deliberately so, which has no limits, and they are only bound by their imagination and musical ability. One can imagine this being released by the likes of Alternative Tentacles back in the day, and most progheads will happily never listen to this while those into the mainstream will never comprehend, but are you brave enough to try?

Rating: 6/10
