Hamilton-based hardcore crew Drop Off Point have been making quite a name for themselves recently, playing with the likes of Comeback Kid, Evergreen Terrace, Bleeders and Antagonist A.D. and here they are with the first single from their forthcoming EP, Bridge City Crew, and it features none other than Mad Joe Black from classic American hardcore act Wisdom In Chains as co-singer. (If that is not enough to whet your appetite then they get an intro from Hoya Roc from Madball on the EP!). There have been some changes in the line-up, which have brought about some changes to the sound, with guitarist Bones and bassist Garreth now joined by singer Mikey and drummer Fu (who I have also seen a few times recently in Brawler NZHC).

This is classic old-school New York hardcore with plenty of edge and aggression, but also with loads of melody which might surprise those who think hardcore is all noise, riffs and shouting. This song is based strongly on the bass, with Garreth setting the pattern, then Bones settling in over the top and Fu keeping it tight at the rear. There is a great deal of space on this with a clever arrangements which do far more than the wall of sound some bands levitate towards. The melodic shifts are something that makes this stand out, and then there is the twin vocal attack which provide variety without ever losing any of the force. There is plenty of room for shoutalongs, and the result is a very polished single indeed. Hardcore fans take note.

Rating: 7/10
