Living on the other side of the world, and therefore not being impacted by Brexit or any UK politics whatsoever means I am not the target audience for this album, which is a collection of left wing political numbers by Richard Gorman who accompanies himself on acoustic guitar. In many ways I am reminded of early Billy Bragg, who I am sure must have been an inspiration. The front cover has the ship of fools where we see Boris Johnson, Jacob Rees-Mogg plus someone I do not recognise (I really am out of touch from being in NZ for 17 years) while it looks like Jeremy Corbin has been made to walk the plank while on the rear cover we see a happy Donald Trump carved into the cliffside (Mt. Rushmore perhaps?). By not being in the country it is difficult for me to comment on the politics, but Richard obviously has very strong views and he has used many clips from the House of Commons and various protests to assist in putting his point across.

Releasing this on CD allows the music to be heard by a much wider audience, but I can imagine his music is best heard in the company of others who share these opinions, and can imagine he is a favourite of Labour party stalwarts and probably plays at quite a few events. This will have a limited appeal in that you must be heavily interested in UK politics, and be on the left, as otherwise this will have reduced meaning which is a shame as this is certainly interesting to listen to.

Rating: 6/10
