I am not sure how many times I have caught up with Auckland metalcore outfit Grym Rhymney, but it has been quite a few. They were originally a four-piece when I started seeing them, with Albi Ingram (vocals, guitar), Jamie Stuart (bass, vocals), Spencer Jew (guitar) with drummer Izak Kennedy joining in 2021. The last few times I saw them play, Sean O’Kane Connolly was with them on keyboards so when I saw the photo showed a quintet, I did not pay too much attention, until I was looking at it and realised I could not see Sean. It was only then that I realised Albi has stepped back from lead vocals, and they have now brought in Hamish Clark (Stag’s Yarrow, Hthvsth) to take on that role. This means the band are going to have a different dynamic when they play so I am looking forward to seeing them again when I can.

This EP was initially written and created as a bedroom project in 2021 by Albi, Jamie and Spencer, with Izak coming in to help out. The songs were played in 2022 and the band decided to undertake the recordings again, working with Matt Hammond (Pale Flag) who not only tracked the vocals but also mixed and mastered the five-track 27-minute-long EP. Opener “Nail In The Coffin” demonstrates multiple different aspects of Grym Rhymney and it is when they are pounding ahead, with crunching riffs and a wall of keyboards as a backdrop that they are at their best – unfortunately there is also the use of a tinkling piano sound at places which does somewhat detract from the overall effect. The gentle beginning to “Unfortunate” does not demonstrate what is to come, but it soon turns into a melodic metalcore blaster with a catchy hook and melody. There are no keyboards here, and there is more focus with a more direct approach. The highlight of the set is the closing title cut, which is nearly eight minutes in length. Here the guys show how they understand dynamics and contrast, taking the listener on quite a journey. The introduction takes quite a time to get going, but it is the build which really makes this work combined with a powerful rhythmic approach, along with plenty of space within the arrangement which allows the vocals to really shine. Grym Rhmyney have continued to progress since I first saw them a few years ago, and I look forward to hearing the new version of the band in the near future.

Rating: 6/10
