When ‘In Sorte Diablo’ was released in 2007 none of us who had following the career of Dimmu Borgir to that point realised that in many ways it was not only the end of an era but the end for one of Norway’s greatest symphonic black metal acts. Since then they have lost ICS Vortex, Mustis and Hellhammer, and have also lost their way with just 2 studio albums in the last 17 years compared with 8 in the 14 years prior to that. It is now six years since the last one and there are only three members of the classic line-up still involved, Shagrath (vocals), Silenoz (rhythm guitar) and Galder (lead guitar). The other members of the band are now Daray (drums) and Gerlioz (keyboards), neither of which have been involved in this compilation of old cover songs recorded by the band back in the day for b-sides etc. This very much has the feeling of record label desperation given there has been no new album since 2018, but with no new tracks and a short running time one must wonder just what is the point? This contains eight songs and is just 32 minutes long, but we get two versions of the same song so arguably there are only seven.

What this compilation does do is demonstrate, as if it were needed, just how important ICS Vortex was to the overall sound of the band, as the standout track is undoubtedly their take on Twisted Sister’s “Burn In Hell” where his clean high and powerful vocals contrast with Shagrath to give the arrangement far more depth and passion. I had not previously heard their version of Deep Purple’s “Perfect Strangers”, and I must say this works well with Snowy Shaw doing a fine job on clean vocals, although without the polish of his predecessor. The rest of the songs are fairly straightforward renditions of songs any black metal fan will know well, and while they would have been nice additions when they were originally released, it will only be diehard fans who will be seeking this out now. Of much more interest is the news that ICS Vortex, Mustis and Tjodalv joined the band last month at the Inferno Festival to perform “The Insight And The Catharsis” from ‘Spiritual Black Dimensions’. Could they be getting back together? Now that would be something to get excited about, but sadly this is not.

Rating: 5/10
