In 1997, two of England’s’ most famous folk melodeon players got together for a laugh to record ‘Two’s Up’. Simon Care (Albion Band/Banter) and Gareth Turner (Little Johnny England/Phil Beer Band) musical careers were interlinked and often crisscrossing, as Simon actually taught Gareth to play the melodeon which meant Simon was able on many occasions to substitute him into bands that he (Simon) was playing with – including The Albion Band and the Phil Beer Band. It took a long time for the guys to get back together for the follow-up, 27 years to be precise, and just as they started Gareth became ill, dying not long after the recording was completed. The decision was made to remaster the original album, and make that available as part of a double CD set, so what we have here is not only the new album but the one they completed all that time ago.

To be honest, this does not really sound like two albums recorded more than a quarter of a century apart, but instead feels like two top class musicians settling in for a sesh and having a load of fun along the way. One can certainly hear why they have both been in demand within the folk scene for so many years as this is a joy from the first note to the very last. Bothe albums feature some additional musicians to assist on some of the tracks, with only Phil beer (Show of Hands) on both. There is less traditional arranged on the second album than the first, while the second also features much more co-writes than the debut. What is incredible throughout is the sheer vitality and joy of all those involved and if it were not for the press release I would have no idea that Gareth was suffering as much as he was during the recording process as this is light and buoyant, and it often feels they are back in their youth, once again involved with the Moulton Morris men. Apparently, Gareth said at one point “morphine isn’t a performance enhancing drug”, but there is no less of dexterity in his fingers as he and Simon weave a folktastic spell throughout. All that is missing is the crack of wood and wood and shouts of “Hey” and the jingle of bells as this is folk music designed to be danced to and is a fitting end to Gareth’s lengthy career in the genre. Alongside the original album this is an absolute delight and it is great that Talking Elephant have seen fit to release them together as one pack as it gives us double the joy.

Rating: 8/10
