There are times when one comes across an album which is so perfectly curated and brought together that one feels there is no single leader of the band, and that everyone is truly being given their chance to shine, and that is very much the case here in what is expected to be a trio of albums from guitarist Hertzog. Dr. Jake Hertzog, to recognise his title, has had a wide-ranging career as a guitarist, composer, and educator. He has degrees from Berklee College Of Music, the Manhattan School Of Music and the University Of Arkansas. and has performed and recorded with such artists as Randy Brecker, Ivan Neville, Blondie Chaplin, Anton Fig, Barry Altschul, Dave Liebman, and Ingrid Jensen among many others. On this release he has brought in Matt Woroshyl (saxophone), Perrin Grace (bass), and Joe Peri (drums), and together they have created something which is quite magical.

Hertzog is very much the leader in this, sometimes only accompanied by the driving and dynamic Peri, with Grace being the element which is used to bring everything together. Hertzog is fluid in his playing, and it can often feel quite staccato, with the longer bass notes helping to draw out emotions, while Perl just never stops driving through. There are sections where it has obviously been highly scored just due to the way the musicians lock in on a melody, whereas at others it is a case of hang on and see if we can all get there at the same time. The band often operate as a trio, with Woroshyl used rather sparingly, sometimes taking the lead and at others providing melodic support, but often sitting down and just enjoying what the rest are doing. This is a jazz album which does take time to get inside, and it was probably on the third play that I started to really enjoy the majestic nature of what is being performed, so it is one to take your time over as Herzog leads the band with some wonderful guitar. Passionate and powerful, totally enjoyable.

Rating: 8/10
