I always find it baffling when some prog musicians out there seem to have found an endless well of inspiration and dish out first-rate albums as if some prog bakery (Premiata Forneria Marconi was a rather famous one!) that just keeps on giving. Between the Samurai of...

KID RAINBOW (USA) DataNoiseFloor          

Dave Peña is an American musician whom I encountered on the Built For The Future’s latest release, the splendid 2084: Heretic album. While there is little doubt that I have specialized in researching progressive rock albums that have a strong melodic content, whether...


Many prog musicians have had day jobs as well as careers, and some are still toiling whilst including their musical talents as a passionate hobby or a side project. Doctor Greenwood still practices as a burn surgeon at the Royal Adelaide Hospital in Australia, as well...


Back in 2019, I had reviewed his preceding album “Zodiac”, which I had enjoyed as it contained a vast amount of interesting progressive influences, mostly in the instrumental displays, a non-vocal area that I suggested he continue to focus on. Ruud returns with this...

Enigmatic Sound Machines – Telepathic Waves

Thomas Szirmay has been a progressive music reviewer for some years now, his first attempt at scribing for Prog Archives occurring in 2004. Years later, he has, like me, branched out on his own, reviewing and publishing as Prog Rogue on Facebook. Our thoughts on music...

ANDREA ORLANDO (ITALY) Le Scienza delle Stagioni

Andrea Orlando is a world class progressive rock drummer from Genoa, having solidified his career with RPI band La Coscienza di Zeno, though he broke in with the pioneering Finisterre group in which he played on a few albums, including the iconic “In Ogni Luogo”...