Based in Hungary, UK composer and musician Dave Pearson have steadily released albums as Computerchemist from 2006 and onwards. “Aqual Measure” is the fourth of these productions, and was released on Pearson’s own Terrainflight label in 2009.
A common denominator throughout this album is a subtle but distinct presence of Tangerine Dream, at last to these relatively novice ears as far as electronic music is concerned. Most of all I’m reminded of the early 80’s material by this influential and highly productive German band, first and foremost due to Pearson’s use of distinctly rhythm oriented yet melodic synth motifs throughout. Set up in a manner which inspired inspirations to Tangerine Dream albums such as “White Eagle”.
Ardent fans of Tangerine Dream shouldn’t rush out to by this album due to this description alone however, as “Aqual Measure” is an album with a bit more to it than this particular detail. Darker tinged, subtly more industrial and bleak sounding atmospheres closer to the likes of Kraftwerk does make the occasional appearance, and playful, positive and energetic displays that adds something of an Ozric Tentacles flavor to the proceedings are other details to take note of.
But the arguably most striking additional dimension is the way drums and guitars supplements the electronic instrumentation. At times reminding ever so slightly of the aforementioned Ozrizs, at other times creating more of an Hawkwind-tinged atmosphere but most often giving these compositions more than a touch of Pink Floyd. In a fairly accessible, late 70’s manner that is. On final composition Atlantic Rift we’re even treated to both an electronic noise-scape and an elongated movement sporting dark, massive guitar riffs as the driving force supported by steady drums and frail fluctuating electronics in an almost prog metal oriented manner.
While some of these creations do become a tad too one-dimensional at times, this is first and foremost an enjoyable excursion that should find Cavour amongst those who enjoy the music of Tangerine Dream and Pink Floyd both. As long as you don’t expect to encounter an artist that have rewritten the rulebook, but instead is able to enjoy a creator of music that have chosen hos framework and operates with assured knowledge within it, this is an album that merits an inspection by those who recognize themselves in the description previously given.
My rating: 77/100