UK composer and musician Dave Pearson, these days residing in Hungary, launched his solo career using the moniker COMPUTERCHEMIST back in 2006. Since then he has released an album a year on average. “Icon One” from 2007 is the second of these full length productions.
The material at hand is one that by and large will see many comparisons made in the direction of Tangerine Dream. The use of electronic rhythm details of a melodic nature in particular is one that in sound, scope and overall atmosphere inspires associations to this legendary German unit, but the surging synth motifs, mournful backdrops and occasional darker toned undercurrents are all of a kind that most likely will sound familiar to long time fans of Tangerine Dream.
The multiple part compositions Icon One and Icon Zero dominates the proceedings, clocking in at just over 15 minutes each, the former most alike the aforementioned associations while the latter incorporate a few additional elements that creates a stronger personal identity to the proceedings, at least to my ears. The clever use of frantic, toned down rhythms in particular an element that elevates the listener experience in the latter case. In general I’ll also remark that some of the more tender movements, utilizing the piano as lead motif provider, does give me associations towards Austrian keyboard wizard Gandalf just as much as Tangerine Dream.
The circular nature of the somewhat shorter creation Timethorns is probably the most impressive track as far as my own taste is concerned here. Opening with a careful piano and synth motif that gradually shifts to a more distinct Tangerine Dream sound, the overall intensity growing and subsequently fading nicely before going full circle as the compositions shifts back to the opening theme at the end. Final track The Message, with it’s alternating sparse piano driven and layered synth and guitar driven movements, is another one that makes a strong overall impression.
All in all this is an album I feel can safely be recommended to fans of Tangerine Dream and artists exploring similar waters, and in particular those amongst them who tend to enjoy accessible, melodic music of this kind.
My rating: 76/100