Pianist Erik Dahl is back with his latest album, and yet again his piano is very much the focal point of everything contained within. He has a few musicians assist on some of the songs to provide additional flavour and depth, but often it is just one man and his instrument. I always find the concept of a musician with just a singular instrument and vocals with no effects to be the purest form of music there is, but here we don’t even have vocals as Erik wants to entertain us and keep us enthralled with what he is doing with nowhere to hide. There is no studio trickery, no bombast or things being “fixed in the mix” but rather someone who has composed pieces which combine elements of classical, jazz and folk with pop to create music which is interesting.

This is an album which relies a great deal on space to emphasise the notes that are played, as well the notes which are not, with thoughtful progress through the different sections without ever resorting to massive complexity. This is not a Wakeman album where we are stunned by his sheer brilliance and speed of fingers, but instead is something which aims to be melodic and inviting us in as opposed to domination by sheer force of will. Having been brought up in a house with a piano, an accompanist for a mother and passing multiple Royal College of Music exams in my youth, this takes me back to a time when all that existed was the music I was creating, lost in that world, and I can imagine Erik doing exactly the same (although with far more skill!). Here is someone who is taking the time to produce something which, although it contains elements of New Age, is more forceful than some but also more elegant and refined than many.

The result is a piano-based instrumental album to be listened to in the evening with a nice glass of wine, relaxing in a comfortable chair, as Erik takes us on a journey.

Rating: 7/10
