Originally four schoolfriends came together for a one-off gig in Gävle, Sweden, but it went so well they kept playing and since then they have played gigs not only in Sweden but also in China, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, the UK, Slovenia, Poland, Palestine, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Russia. They have released two albums, signed a record deal, and Olle Westlund (vocals, guitar), Ingemar Mårtensson (guitar), Simon Mojtahedi (bass) and Niklas Nironen (drums) are still together.

Here we have five songs, just over 21 minutes in length, and I must confess they are not at all what I expected from the band name as not only are the guys way younger than I thought they could possibly be, I also had it in my heads they would be way heavier. I mean, they even close with a song which for a large part is a piano-based ballad (although we go get crunching riffs as well)! For the most part here we have a group of guys who are heavily influenced by the likes of Foo Fighters and Jimmy Meets World, producing music which is designed to be played in stadiums as opposed to small clubs. I did imagine they would have more crunch, more depth, but this is rock designed for the radio with pop licks and pleasant vocals where it will not really offend anyone. There is not enough grit for me, but it is nice enough with some good hooks.

Rating: 7/10
