There is something about a big band in the hands of a really good arranger which makes jazz swing with its own vitality and life. This is what my dad used to play in the car when I was young, on his trusty 8=track, and is the only popular music I ever heard him play. Consequently, whenever I hear a big band it is a time machine, taking me back 50 years or more, and I just relax right in. It has taken quite a while for Charleton to follow-up on 2013’s ‘Brain Chatter’, but here he has assembled an 18-strong unit to work through a series of classics and originals.
Recorded over five sessions towards the end of October, 2020, Charleton is keen to let everyone know that the sessions were as safe as possible to not put anyone at risk from COVID, and indeed the solo photo of him in the booklet has him wearing a mask. He was head of Academics at the Naval School of Music where he taught arranging, and has played in, composed for, and led Navy bands on five continents so here is someone with an in-depth knowledge of the genre, and fully understands what is required. Most of the songs are instrumental, with just two with vocals, and he has allowed the soloists to really shine. A special mention should really be made of sax player Richard Garcia on the title cut, as that solo definitely hits the mark.
The classics covered include “Stardust,” by Hoagy Carmichael, Marvin Fisher’s “When Sunny Gets Blue,” Vincent Youmans’ “Tea for Two,” Irving Berlin’s “Blue Skies,” and “Everything I’ve Got,” by Rogers & Hart, with his wife Emily providing vocals on the last two. This is a bright and cheery album, full of light and space, and I can just imagine myself listening to this with my dad back in the day as it is definitely a style of jazz he would very much appreciate. Well worth grabbing for fans of big band music.
Rating: 8/10