Toohoppy(Rick) - "Hope you all enjoy some of the new ( and old) music added to the stream lately. Let me know if there is something you would like us to play."
key2rebecca - "Morning all!"
Jeff-the-GlassCaster - "Hey all – I need a little help here. I am starting a YouTube channel titled “The Farming Artists”. It follows the adventures of TLMB and myself in our “homesteading” projects here in Northern New Mexico. This inc […]" View
miketheorganist - "Just dropping in to listen"
Stuffer - "Grey hairs and a weird mole… other than that nothing much 🙂"
schroedingerscat - "a bit sad coz the death of an old friend and a bandmate. >"
Rob - "Grabbing dinner.. then chiming in to hear Nick’s show… and then…. FRACTAL MIRROR!"
The Mad Platter - "Coming up at the top of the hour, four hours of music… All vinyl show! Listen at"
DJ Retroactive - "We’re bacaaaacccckkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!"