
  • Jeff-the-GlassCaster posted an update 5 years, 8 months ago

    Hey all – I need a little help here.
    I am starting a YouTube channel titled “The Farming Artists”. It follows the adventures of TLMB and myself in our “homesteading” projects here in Northern New Mexico. This includes our outdoor gardening in a variety of forms, our GrowDome with the Aquaponics system, building of a variety of things on the property including our outdoor kitchen and cooking
    We are hoping to start releasing videos sometime in August and releasing one video a week. I am looking for background/incidental music and theme music for this project.
    My issues are as follows: I don’t want what is typically on this type of video. Mostly country and bluegrass. While I love bluegrass, I am wanting something different.
    I know that I am not the only person in agriculture or homesteading who listens to Prog, Rock and other .genre of music.
    I have checked out some of the “free” stuff out there, but what is decent is way overused.
    Can anyone help a fella out here?
    I am open to a lot of possibilities and would welcome any help. While I have no money to offer, I will always credit any music that I am allowed to use both verbally in the videos and in the credits below. I will also link where appropriate and available.
    I am also interested in changing the incidental music up from time to time. Perhaps when someone is wanting to promote a new album/song, etc. – or maybe just has a great riff that might fit in. I would like to have a theme song that remained the same throughout any given series.
    Any ideas? I would love to hear them