Kev Rowland

  • Multi-instrumentalist Ben Ruegg is back with his latest single as Channeled, which also now appear to have a new logo. I have always been impressed with this band, either live or in the studio, but here Ben is […]

  • If you had told me at the beginning of the year that we would be ending 2021 and I had only seen Coridian play a few times I would have laughed at you. Mind you, we also expected the full-length album, Hava, as […]

  • Band In Town is the latest single from folk/pop singer Mahoney Harris. Inspired by memories of her mum and friends getting ready for nights out, the cover actually features both her mother (on the left) and her […]

  • Lazy Fifty are Adrian Athy (vocals, guitar), Ryan Raggett (bass), and Ali Sochacki (drums), and they play traditional solid Seventies-style melodic hard rock. This is their fourth album, and to put is simply, is […]

  • Guitarist Doug MacDonald and bass player Harvey Newmark have worked together quite a lot over the years, with Harvey featuring in many of Doug’s different line-ups. Given that they have such an instinctive feel f […]

  • Here we find Doug in Honolulu, recording in a quartet which comprises Noel Okimoto (vibraphone), Dean Taba (bass) and Darryl Pellegrini (drums). I have always thought the vibraphone is a much-maligned and […]

  • When it comes to writing about progressive rock music, then there are not that many still going who have been in the scene longer than me, but one notable exception is Thierry Sportouche, who has been running the […]

  • Indochine are apparently France’s best-selling band, although this 2002 album is the only time I have come across them. Formed in Paris back in 1981, they had considerable success in the Eighties, which slowed s […]

  • One of the sheer delights of Lee’s new album, Gypsy Soul, which is due out in February, is the incredible amount of diversity contained within it. During the recording process, songs were rearranged, many d […]

  • One Dead Man is Michael Baxter from Tauranga bands {The Dead Man 6} and {The Knids}, who came up with the idea during lockdown of putting together a collection of songs which would work together as a rock opera or […]

  • 1980 was finally a good time to be living in Devon in the West of England, as up until that point the only live gig I had attended of any size was Cliff Richard, which is not exactly a highlight for a teenage […]

  • There is no doubt that Elfin Bow has been going through an incredibly difficult period in her life, going though a divorce and then catching COVID 19, but one can only wish her the best and hope that this release […]

  • I am used to hearing Jo Beth performing music which has a high level of improvisation within it, and the material has always been original, so it was something of a surprise to see that here she has worked on a […]

  • I must confess to doing a little bit of a double take when I first saw a photo of these guys, as it looked like none of them were old enough to shave! A check of the bio and I was able to see that the band […]

  • How To Escape Reality were formed in 2020, by songwriter Samuel Fistonich with the help of his brothers and his wife to create music which was heavily influenced from the Emo and pop punk movement. Samuel and his […]

  • Ellery Daines is a multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, producer, and mixing engineer from Nelson, now based in the Norwegian Arctic city of Tromsø. Over the last five years he wrote, recorded, and mixed his debut […]

  • It has often been pointed out to me during my reviewing career, often by my family, that I am somewhat unusual and could actually be viewed as being downright weird. I prefer to think of myself as having a broad […]

  • This EP finds three avant-garde and experimental artists working together to create something which is industrial, at the cutting edge of music, frightening in its intensity, yet also strangely compelling and […]

  • I know I am not the only person who felt that Therion’s previous album, ‘Beloved Antichrist’, was just too clever for its own good. A triple CD opera with a running time of more than 3 hours it was certainly ambit […]

  • Tommy Bolin had already achieved a great deal by the time of his death at the tender age of 25, and one can only wonder what he might have gone onto in later life. I personally always thought that ‘Come Taste T […]

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