Kev Rowland

  • Following on from the success of their two albums with Nuclear Blast, the label has now released the other two albums, which were originally put out through Italian label Coroner Records. The origins of the band […]

  • The reason for artwork showing just two people, is because this is a project put together by current Nightwish singer Floor Jansen and Pagan’s Mind guitarist Jorn Viggo Lofstad who were both involved with the […]

  • Some eight years ago I was contacted by Otrebor (drums) who asked if I would be interested in reviewing their debut album, which was recorded by three musicians who had never actually met. I certainly enjoyed […]

  • 1979 was Year Zero for a new musical movement in the UK, and a term was coined by Deaf Barton which perfectly summed it up, NWOBHM. I was 16 at the time, listening to Tommy Vance on a Friday night, reading Sounds […]

  • Johnston has long been pursuing his own brand of avant garde jazz, but this is the first time I have come across him outside of his band The Microscopic Septet (whose 2017 Cuneiform album ‘Been Up So Long’ is sim […]

  • At the same time as releasing Johnston’s soundtrack album, Asynchronous are also releasing the debut album by Johnston with his band The Coolerators, a band he formed after moving to Australia in 2005. On this a […]

  • In the 90’s they played some of the world’s largest festivals, toured with the likes of Rammstein, Deftones and Metallica and were highly regarded in the German music scene for this ability to mix metal with pop […]

  • Yes, this really is what it sounds like, it is an album full of acoustic versions of AC/DC classics. But, easily the worst thing about this album is the artwork, and once you get past that this is a little gem. A […]

  • There can be few bands who have been going as long as these guys without a single line-up change, but Isaiah Mitchell (vocals, guitars), Mike Eginton (bass) and Mario Rubalcaba (drums) came together in 2001, and […]

  • This is the debut album from Berlin-based quartet Engst (the title translates to ‘Major Fire’), and as the title may suggest it is all in German. That is probably down to their refusal to conform and do what is […]

  • Although this may seem as if it is another seasonal digital only single (and it is these things as well, to be fair), what we have here is a really interesting take on folk-rock, and while based in the folk […]

  • In Seattle in 1984, high school friends Ted Pilot (vocals) and Ed Archer (guitar) teamed up with lead guitarist James Byrd, completing the line-up with Ken Mary (later Alice Cooper, House of Lords) and bassist […]

  • The more I listen to David Brenner’s work with Gridfailure, the more I understand what he is attempting to achieve, and hence find myself enjoying his “music” even more. I have put that inside quotation marks […]

  • I must confess to not having heard anything by these guys since 2005’s ‘Pedal To The Metal’, but guitarist Chris Impellitteri isn’t showing any signs of relinquishing his title of world’s fastest guitarist […]

  • Apparently one of the reasons for the album title is that this is Judith’s second album, but when opening the gatefold there is a further explanation. Judith met Artie, the love of her life, on a blind date on N […]

  • This is the follow-up to ‘The One Who Makes You Happy’, which I reviewed some time ago, and contains the same core line-up of clarinetist Anna Patton, Don Anderson on trumpet and flugelhorn, pianist Eugene Uma […]

  • Following on from the success of ‘Rough Times’, the stoner trio of Christoph ‘Lupus’ Lindemann (vocals, guitars), Christoph ‘Tiger’ Bartelt (drums) and Simon ‘Dragon’ Bouteloup (bass) of course hit the road, w […]

  • Back in 2000, I was lucky enough to see Lynyrd Skynyrd at the Hammy O, but to be honest what I was really excited about that night was the support band, The Company of Snakes. I longed for the days when […]

  • LA based Terror have always been a name synonymous with hardcore, sticking hard to the faith since their inception in 2002. After six studio albums, a series of live albums, splits, compilations and EP’s under t […]

  • This is a somewhat unusual album, in that for the most part it is spoken word with some quite different accompaniments from flamenco guitar to avant garde jazz, Americana, percussion and more. Bell actually made […]

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