Mike Maffei

  • UK composer and musician Chris LEWINGTON have been active in music one way or the other for around 4 decades, with his tenures in the bands The Bicycle Thieves and The Silence back in the 1980’s the most high […]

  • US composer and singer Judy STUART passed away back in 2018, and from what I understand she never had any of her recordings released while she was still alive, despite being active for several decades. In 2020 […]

  • UK band TENEK was formed back in 2007, and with a good handful of albums and EPs released since then they are a fairly well known creative force among those who enjoy music inside the synth pop and electronic pop […]

  • UK threesome AGENCY-V was established by kindred spirits due to the Covid restrictions that became such a big issue in the UK (and most of the world) in the spring of 2020. They released their initial EP “No […]

  • US label CADABRA RECORDS has been an ongoing entity since 2015, specializing in limited edition spoken word productions released as vinyl singles, EPs and LPs. Rather than merely having the stories they select […]

  • US band BEYOND THE GREY have been a going entity for five years or thereabouts, and have proven themselves to be quite the productive band as well with two EPs and one full length album to their name going into […]

  • UK twosome NORTHERN KIND first appeared back in 2006, and on three albums released between 2007 and 2013 I understand they gained a bit of a following among people with a strong interest in music founded on 80’s […]

  • UK duo THE AUTUMN KILLERS were formed back in 2019, and following the initial EP “Dance Floor Mayhem” in 2020 the band concluded their recording activities with the second EP “Acoustic & Autumnised” towards the […]

  • US band SMASH FASHION have been around for a good few years, with three full length albums and the same number of singles to their name released between 2006 and 2020 from what I can see. The single “Got Da Hee […]

  • Swedish threesome WOLVER have been a going entity for a handful of years or thereabouts, developing a distinct image and their music at their own pace before making themselves a bit more visible in 2020. Following […]

  • US composer, musician and artist Joy SHANNON has been active with her band The Beauty Marks for more than a decade, and besides the seven albums they have released she also has some collaborations with The […]

  • UK bands THE PARASITIC TWINS and VICTIM UNIT are artists exploring rather different territories of the music universe. The former describes themselves inside the context of doom metal and grindcore, while the […]

  • US composer and musician Rich KRUEGER have been playing and performing music for several decades, but have never really had a go of recording and releasing his material until fairly recently. His debut EP came as […]

  • Writer, reviewer and music enthusiast Kev Rowland is a familiar name for many people interested in music in general and perhaps progressive rock in particular. From 1990 and onward he has written an astounding […]

  • On Saturday November 28th Fusion – Music Without Boundaries will present their special On-Line Christmas Cracker event featuring an astounding range of progressive music talent, including Final Coil. The event […]

  • UK band TENEK first appeared back in 2007 with an initial EP, and have since then carved out their very own niche in an arguably more mainstream oriented part of the music scene in the UK and beyond with three […]

  • US band BIHARGAM is a relative newcomer to the metal scene, formed back in 2018 as a one man project for the first album, which was released in 2019, and since then morphing into a quartet. “Ove Tenebrae” is the […]

  • On 1 December 2020, UK progressive rock band, CIRCU5, release a new single − Skin Machine − ahead of the follow-up to their self-titled 2017 debut album. Skin Machine will be available on all streaming and dow […]

  • US band SCAPHISM has been around in one form or another since 2007, exploring their particular brand of extreme metal on a number of EPs/demo tapes as well as on two studio albums. The most recent sign of recorded […]

  • Long running Los Angeles, CA all-instrumental prog metal/fusion triumvirate COSMOSQUAD have announced a live stream concert which is set to take place this Friday, October 30th at 7:00pm PST.

    The band will be […]

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