Icelandic threesome MOMENTUM was formed back in 2003, and have so far explored their self described brand of psychedelic progressive doom metal on two EPs and two full length albums. “The Freak Is Alive” is the most recent of the latter, and was released through Norwegian label Dark Essence Records at the start of 2015.
The band’s self-described placement in the genre jungle is one that comes across as fairly apt and appropriate. It doesn’t reveal everything of course, but there’s no denying that both doom metal, psychedelic rock and progressive rock have had an impact on their sound, the way their compositions pan out and the scope of their individual compositions. There is more to this band and this album than an amalgam of genre details of course, and this CD comes across as rather more of a cohesive affair than this initial description might indicate as well.
The doom metal aspects of this album are handled mainly by the guitars. Dark toned, slow and rich guitar riffs is a dominating aspect throughout, and the occasional soundbytes referencing vintage doom metal Black Sabbath style are indeed present. But on this occasion these aren’t monumental, slow and massive riffs. Instead the band opts for a more careful approach, giving the guitars are rather more dampened placement in the general mix, often resulting in a sound that has something of a textured tinge to it. Plucked guitar details and clever use of frail piano details also adds a more delicate sheen to this aspect of the material, providing somewhat more of a brittle, emotional touch. With at times impressive drum patterns underscoring in a careful yet busy manner, these aspects combines into a perfect underscore for the dominant aspect of this album, at least as I experience it.
The lead and backing vocals comes across as the driving force of thus album for me. Deep, rich lead vocals, occasionally alternating with slightly more of a growl delivery, somewhat more often with more of a reined in approach, backed beautifully by rich, full and layered harmony backing vocals. All of these serve as effective contrasts to the often more dampened instrumentation, yet also serves to enhances the impression of being in a dark and at times bleak atmosphere. And rather than coming off as oppressive or abrasive, this is a darkness filled with melancholy, longing and sadness, with occasional glimpses of anger pouring through.
This all adds up to be a well made album for those with an interest in music exploring the more subtle shades of darkness. Those fond of melancholic landscapes and mournful moods, explored with some elegance and sophistication, should have a field day with this album, especially if you have a soft spot for artists operating out of a doom metal foundation on such excursions.
My rating: 78/100