As I continue on my quest of attempting to catch up on all the material sent to me when I wasn’t undertaking any reviewing (I have a dream that one day I will be up to date – this year I have reviewed in excess of 750 release so far, and I’m still way behind so it isn’t going to happen any time soon), I am now playing the 2015 four-track EP from San Francisco based doom merchants Orchid, which is still their most recent release. According to the recent Facebook posts they are still going, and say “we are still at it… overcoming the setbacks life brings but determined to carry on and bring a new full length album to life as soon as we can!”

Let’s hope so as this is exactly what I expect from my doom bands, solid slabs of riffs, soaring vocals, and a feeling that this was produced no later than 1972, let alone well into the 21st Century. While they are not Sabbath clones, they definitely owe a huge amount to the very early sound of that band, but with an American Blue Cheer influenced as well, plus possibly some Iron Butterfly. This is well worth hearing and I for one will certainly be looking out for the new album with great interest.

Rating: 7/10
