Tasmania’s Psycroptic have been blasting all before them for more than 20 years and are showing no sign at all of slowing down yet. As with quite a few bands, they have released this single during the current pandemic as a way of keeping things going, although I am not sure what the situation is with live gigs over there (I am so lucky to be here in NZ where we have no restrictions). This is death metal which is also commercial and polished, a somewhat unusual mix from a band who are also more than prepared to slow it all down if that is what the music requires. They somehow manage to get a load of space within the music, while always having the instruments absolutely locked into sold complex riffs. This is being seen as the midpoint between 2018’s ‘As The Kingdom Drowns’ and the new album due out later this year, and if it is as on point as these two songs that should be quite special indeed.

Rating: 8/10

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