Ending these six reviews of Kiwi artists is the debut release by Rain, the pseudonym of Cathy Elizabeth, a Wellington-based singer and songwriter who previously fronted No Sudden Movements. This is the first of a series of releases which will be taking place between now and Christmas, and if they are all like this then I am very interested indeed. This is a real throwback to the days of Blondie and Pat Benatar in the States, and Kim Wilde in the UK. It is a hook-laden power pop number with great vocals, and while the guitars could have done with being slightly higher in the mix, and the drums slightly lower, this has all the elements of a rock radio smash. Cathy says “Recommended listening: blasting in the car stereo at 100 km, as the song reaches it’s heart-wrenching climax. And you’ll be singing along by the second chorus!” and I wholeheartedly agree.

Rating: 7/10

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