Following on from the success of 2019’s ‘Chez Nous’, here we find Rebecca again recording with her father and pianist Dave Miller who also brought in the rest of his trio in drummer Bill Belasco, who he has now been working with for more than 40 years, and bassist Chuck Bennett. The result is one of the most enjoyable easy listening jazz albums I have heard in some years, as the musicians all know each other intimately while it is no surprise that Dave knows how to get the best from his daughter’s voice and the music has been arranged accordingly. Often it is only when Rebecca takes her leave that we really get to understand the power and connectivity of the trio accompanying her, as these three are all used to playing the lead role and each of them is a wonderful musician, but here working to emphasise the vocals and never detracting from them.

Rebecca’s voice is like velvet, smooth and luxurious, and nothing here is an effort so the listener just relaxes in and goes for the ride. There are some interesting song choices as well; it took me quite a while to work out where I knew the second one from and it was quite a shock to realise it was Gilbert O’Sullivan’s “Alone Again (Naturally)”. I haven’t thought of him in many years and am sure I do not own any of his music, but this was a massive hit worldwide 50 years ago, and everyone my age will remember him performing this on TOTP. Here it has been slowed down, turned into a jazz standard, and is breathtakingly beautiful. Miller’s piano enhances this, but it is Rebecca’s silken tones which makes this such a delight. Another which works exceedingly well is Joni Mitchell’s “Both Sides Now”, again slowed down from the original. Here it feels much more like a duet between father and daughter, with the vocals sweet and light and the piano following suit.

We get some “proper” standards as well with the likes of “Cry Me A River” (here sped up with some lovely bass, as opposed to being slowed down), and at times during the album we get some scat, as Rebecca has total confidence in her father and his band to always be there and to pull it all together. This is a luscious release, and one to which I will often be returning.

Rating: 9/10
