This album was created by Victoria Bourne (vocals, Korg Kross Workstation) and Walt Shaw (kit, hand percussion, gongs, home-made instruments), and is one of the most unusual and interesting albums I have come across for some time. Imagine folk vocals sung by someone with a lovely high lilting voice, who uses that voice as an instrument in some sort of twisted manner, wordless or words which cannot be deciphered. Then underneath there is the percussion being created by Walt, which includes melodic instruments which defy description, although I am sure there is a piano being misused somewhere in there, not always being played by the keyboard either.
I have no comprehension as to how this was created, as the percussion is multi-layered, as are the vocals, but I am guessing they started in the same room bouncing ideas, and from that framework then adding extra layers and flavours. It is quiet and delicate, yet it also feels incredibly strong and powerful, the gossamer threads are actually like steel cables, while space is an important part of the whole proceedings. Due to the way this has been created, time signatures are unimportant as the music goes where it will, with no artificial constraint placed upon it.
In fact, the biggest problem with this album is that it is way too short at only 26 minutes, as it is intriguing, out there, and definitely worth investigating further.
Rating: 8/10