The Wall

  • Lodestone’s Sole Album, ‘Time Flies’ from 1971, has been Released on CD and Digitally for the First Time.For Immediate ReleaseLodestone’s Sole Album, Time Flies from 1971, has been Released on CD and Digitally for […]

  • Progressive Rock / Psychedelia From Italy

    ‘Wormholedeath’  *2022 Reissue of 2021 album

    45 mins

    Rating 85/100
    Hailing from the city of Padua in Northern Italy, West […]

  • I first came across Demons of Noon when they opened for the mighty {Beastwars} at Power Station last year, and I came away very impressed indeed by raw sludge-driven doom, and also noted that when they had two […]

  • The latest single from New Plymouth outfit Skank Bandit explores themes of doubt, self-belief, and self-control, promoting awareness of the risks of drink driving and challenging people to take responsibility for […]

  • It has been quite a while since we last heard from Hawkes Bay trio Devils Elbow, but here they are back with their latest EP. One thing which is interesting to note is that only Alec Withers (vocals, guitars, […]

  • Sounds Escape is a new project by multi-instrumentalist Logan Wedgwood, with Voices being the debut release. This six-track 30-minute-long instrumental album was conceived during the first Auckland lockdown when […]

  • In June of last year I made my way to Wine Cellar to see {Melanie} for the first time, and one of the bands on the bill that night were {Finger Tight}, and when I reviewed them I said “I was extremely impressed b […]

  • What can you say about {BLindspott} which hasn’t already been said? When it comes to metal icons from NZ, there are few who exist in the same rarefied atmosphere as these guys, and when I saw them play recently t […]

  • Don’t let the first ten seconds of the latest single from Christchurch outfit Stonehurst lull you into a false sense of security. Admittedly, I was staring at the speakers trying to work out what was going on a […]

  • Impostor Syndrome is an experimental recording project based in Auckland, New Zealand. Becoming best of friends as seventeen-year-olds over a shared love of Alice in Chains, it took until 2019 before vocalist Ryan […]

  • Amanaki are back with the second single from their forthcoming EP, Tempest, and is a song which they say was incredibly difficult to record, and even harder to play live given the emotions behind it. During the […]

  • Some 40+ years ago David Coverdale sang the immortal words, “I love the blues, They tell my story, If you don’t feel it you can never understand” and they are as true today as they ever were. If you get the blu […]

  • I have always had a soft spot for folk music, and five years ago travelled to the other side of the world just for a folk festival (honest), but one instrument I did not come across a great deal in the UK was the […]

  • Baja Mexico.

    Private Release 42mins

    Rating 90/100

    Not since the ‘Hampton Grease Band’s epic album ‘Music to Eat’ has any other recorded material come close to bursting forth and squeezing the brains […]

  • It is safe to say there is no other artist in New Zealand currently working at the pace of Troy Kingi. Earlier this year he released the te reo version of Holy Colony Burning Acres, Pū Whenua Hautapu, Eka Mumura, […]

  • Brutal death metal Auckland quintet have just released their debut 5-track EP, following on from the two singles which were released from it last year. I was lucky enough to see these guys when they supported Pale […]

  • Here we have the second single to be taken from Anthea’s forthcoming debut solo album, The Vicar’s Daughter, which will be out later this year. Hailing from Lyttleton, she used to spend her Wednesday nights wit […]

  • Here we have the latest single from Wellington-based indie-alternative band Vogel Town who feature Andrew Roberts is on the guitar, and Aaron Mody on drums/percussion. This instrumental track starts with some hand […]

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