The Wall

  • Kev Rowland wrote a new post 2 years ago

    It seems to have been ages since I last heard from The RVMES, and I can see from looking through my records that it is more than a year since I last saw them play, and also more than a year since I reviewed their […]

  • Kev Rowland wrote a new post 2 years ago

    Earlier this year I was fortunate to be asked to review Tō Ihu, one of the four singles to be made available from this album so far, and I was just blown away by what I was hearing. Allana Goldsmith is a classic […]

  • Kev Rowland wrote a new post 2 years ago

    Pianist Erik Dahl is back with his latest album, and yet again his piano is very much the focal point of everything contained within. He has a few musicians assist on some of the songs to provide additional […]

  • Kev Rowland wrote a new post 2 years ago

    I have been a fan of Sweden’s Evergrey for more than 20 years, and although they have had quite a few line-up changes in their history, singer/guitarist Tom S. Englund has always been there while the return of g […]

  • Kev Rowland wrote a new post 2 years ago

    Back in 2018 I was contacted by Stephen Latin-Kasper who had just recorded his debut album as Infinitwav and released it straight onto vinyl, which impressed me immensely. Fast forward to 2021 and he contacted me […]

  • Kev Rowland wrote a new post 2 years ago

    This is a somewhat unusually presented album in that the first four tracks are then combined with another piece to make a fifth which takes up more than half the album. Jimmy Ryan provides electric guitar and […]

  • Geoff Penn wrote a new post 2 years ago

    CD Private Self Release on Malicious / Distribution Echozone

    Stockholm, Sweden.

    Goth Rock/Dark Rock


    Rating 85/100

    ‘Les Fleurs Du Mal’ are a Swedish duo comprising brothers Axel & August Gri […]

  • Geoff Penn wrote a new post 2 years ago

    Private Press Double Abum

    Rock Pop Electronica

    Rating 80/100

    ‘Valesa’ Chapter One is the fifth studio album from Major Parkinson and is a far and out excursion away from their previous enterprises. Of […]

  • Kev Rowland wrote a new post 2 years ago

    This is the debut single from Christchurch-based rock group Electric Temples, and the thing which impresses me most right from the off is the use of space. When a band starts, it is easy to throw the kitchen sink […]

  • Kev Rowland wrote a new post 2 years ago

    During lockdown Ada was unable to regularly meet with her long-time musical director Jamieson Trotter, so instead they turned their endeavours towards writing songs. Ada would write the lyrics and melody, and then […]

  • Kev Rowland wrote a new post 2 years ago

    There are times when one reads a press release in utter disbelief. I normally play the album before reading about it, so I am not affected by anything contained within, and while I was pretty sure this was not a […]

  • Kev Rowland wrote a new post 2 years ago

    There are a few bands in the world where one can see there is a new release and pretty much have a good guarantee of what it is going to sound like and what the lyrical content is going to be about. One of these […]

  • Kev Rowland wrote a new post 2 years ago

    Here we have the latest release from Brazilian jazz pianist, composer and bandleader Antonio Adolfo, with the word ‘Octet’ referring to the size of the band while ‘Originals’ is in the title as unlike his most re […]

  • Kev Rowland wrote a new post 2 years ago

    There are surely no words left with which to describe the icon who is Ashley Hutchings, but even he could never have thought that one day he would release his 100th album as a band leader or member (as opposed to […]

  • Kev Rowland wrote a new post 2 years ago

    It has been five years since Austrian Black Metal band Belphegor released their last album, ‘Totenritual, since when drummer Simon Schilling has departed. So, for this release they have brought in session man D […]

  • Kev Rowland wrote a new post 2 years ago

    When The Black Noodle Project first started many years ago it was in many ways a one-man project, that of Jérémie Grima, and now here we have their latest studio album and, in many ways, it has reverted back to t […]

  • Kev Rowland wrote a new post 2 years ago

    Apparently, this album is a collection of new songs, a new extended remix, and previously released singles, remixes and recordings contributed to compilations. The band themselves are a trio of Jim Abrahams […]

  • Kev Rowland wrote a new post 2 years ago

    The very first gig I attended on behalf of a little over two years ago was to see Coridian, who were supported that night by Outside In. While I knew the proggers as I had written the press release […]

  • Geoff Penn wrote a new post 2 years, 1 month ago

    Record Label: Private Press
    Country of Origin: U.K.
    Date of Release: 15th July 2022 62 mins

    Fearful Symmetry – Website | Facebook | Bandcamp | YouTube

    Rating 90/100

    The quality of the music on t […]

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