The Wall

  • Black Velvet Butterfly are a one-man band from Auckland featuring James Castady-Kristament. I was intrigued to be sent this as when I looked on their Bandcamp page it said, “It may just well be the coolest thing y […]

  • Bill had a musical career in England before deciding to do something different, returning to his roots when he started working in New Zealand, and this is his third album. Having not heard the others I cannot say […]

  • Massacre have been through multiple line-up changes over the last nearly 40 years since their inception, but they are widely regarded as one of the most important bands on the death metal scene, creating a style […]

  • Scottish singer Kirsty Dewar contacted me recently to see if I would be interested in reviewing her new EP, and as one of my self-imposed rules is that I always review whatever I am offered by a band (as opposed […]

  • Carnifex are one of those oddities, in that their core line-up has been incredibly stable pretty much since formation, and they even survived a year-long hiatus intact. At the time of this their sixth album in […]

  • Not long before turning to their eight album, Carnifex lost lead guitarist Jordan Lockrey, and the core quartet decided to continue as they were for the time being, which allowed a little more room in the music […]

  • One day I will work out why I feel so compelled to listed to the work of David Brenner, but for now all I can say is that he creates “music” unlike anyone else and I find it totally and utterly intriguing. Thi […]

  • Rightly or wrongly, Olzon will probably always be viewed as the singer for Nightwish between Tarja Turunen and Floor Jansen, which in many ways unfair as she cannot be compared to either of them. She has always […]

  • When it comes to the bossa nova style of music there is no doubt that Antonio Carlos Jobim was one of the most influential and important performers. Over the years I have reviewed a few different musicians […]

  • Formed in 1996, Polish death metal act Decapitated have made quite a name for themselves over the years and now we are able to hear what they sounded like back in the very beginning with the CD release of their […]

  • Back with their eighth full-length album, Decapitated show no sign whatsoever of slowing down. Guitarist Vogg has of course been there since the very beginning back in 1996, while singer Rasta has also been there […]

  • Geoff Penn wrote a new post 2 years, 1 month ago

    Turkey Vulture Records EP six track 25 mins.

    Rating 80/100

    Whether the band ‘Silent Theory’ have had a recent and distinct change of musical direction or whether past biographers have been listening to a com […]

  • There is a time in many music lover’s lives when they finally fall into the caress of the blues. Everyone has their own genre they prefer, but the best blues is that which really calls to the listener on an e […]

  • Although I have reviewed this Ukrainian band previously, I must confess to not knowing who plays on this one as I cannot find it listed anywhere, and the photo on the rear of the digipak shows a trio so there must […]

  • Remote were formed in 2011 in Kaluga, Russia, by Pavel Stasev (guitars), Evgeniy Kravchenko (bass, vocals) and drummer Roman Makushev in 2011, initially as a doom outfit before moving more into a stoner/sludge […]

  • Slightly Stoopid drummer Rymo (Ryan Moran) has contributed to over 40 albums playing drums primarily, but also vibraphone, piano, didgeridoo, and world percussion. This album finds him providing all these (it does […]

  • It is difficult for anyone living outside New Zealand to understand just how important Shihad are to the scene here, and they are rightfully treated as rock royalty. When this album was released in 2014 it was […]

  • Formed in 2009 as The Moon Mistress, this Moscow trio changed their name in 2014 to Destruktor, but the line-up has been consistent throughout, with Garish (guitar, vocals), Memphis (bass) and Mitya DHS (drums). […]

  • This 2013 album was released in a flat heavy-duty sleeve, which is certainly different and ensures it will be laying flat on my CD shelves as otherwise it won’t fit! Released in 2013, this album came about after t […]

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