IO EARTH (UK) Sanctuary

This consistently first-rate Birmingham UK prog band is back again with a new 2023 release called Sanctuary, featuring drop-dead beautiful cover art, superb initial reviews (yes, Lazland) as well as a return to the roost for lead vocalist in Linda Odinsen, who was...


Fast on the heels of their sumptuous debut, I simply had to comply with my urge to see if the follow-up is of the same exceptional level and provide another wordy but precise appreciation via review. With a plethora of fans and critics globally who are raving about...

Gayle ELLETT & the ELECTROMAGS (USA) Friends

Gayle needs no introduction to prog fans as his prolific career has spanned well over 40 years with the consistently illustrious Djam Karet, keeping both the quality and the diversity in perfect equilibrium. His recent 2022 solo album with the Electromags called...

RETREAT FROM MOSCOW (UK) Dreams, Myths and Machines

Patience is often regarded as one of the loftiest virtues that a human can wish to attain in its lifetime. From our drool dripping early days learning to crawl, talk and then walk, transiting into the rebellious stage of impetuous behaviour verging on invincibility...


Back in the heady early days of prog, it was common practice for any band to choose a great name as well as some mind-blowing artwork, in order to properly brand the style of music. Outside of the law firm, Emerson, Lake and Palmer, groups went out of their way to be...