Kev Rowland

  • Don’t let the pink cover fool you, have a closer look at the woman and you will see she has a goat’s skull covering her face, which makes one realise that what is inside may not be all sweetness and light, esp […]

  • This album is AJ True’s soundtrack to Erica Glynn’s film, ‘She Who Must Be Loved,’ which tells the story of the director’s own mother, Freda Glynn: a vibrant and tenacious Kaytetye woman from central Australia […]

  • Iranian act Angband released their debut ‘Rising From Apadana’ back in 2008, but since their third album, 2012’ ‘Saved From The Truth’ there has been little activity. However, Mahyar Dean (guitars, bass) and Ramin […]

  • Born in 1942, guitarist and composer Milton Nascimento is widely regarded as Brazil’s greatest living composer, having a huge impact on Latin music. Pianist Adolfo first met him in 1967 just before the Second I […]

  • You would think after 30 years of doing this I would keep better notes, but I have literally no idea where this album came from so am at a loss as to why I am now reviewing something which came out six years ago! […]

  • Here is another compilation, also from Rhino Records, and I still have no idea where it came from! Compiled by Lenny Kaye (later with Patti Smith Group), the double album was originally released by Elektra in […]

  • Mrs. Fun are the duo of Connie Grauer (keyboards, vocals) and Kim Zick (drums). They have been together for 30 years, have released 5 albums, and improvisation is very much at the core of what they do together. […]

  • The band may have had a few issues with drummers over the years (who said Spinal Tap?), but the rest have been along for the ride for some 32 years, which is almost unparalleled in heavy music. Godfathers of […]

  • I have known the music of guitarist Fernando Perdomo for quite some time, and still rate ‘The Crimson Guitar’ very highly indeed alongside the likes of ‘Zebra Crossing’, but I must be honest and say I never e […]

  • Under the name Endemise, the band released ‘Far From The Light’ (2013) and ‘Anathema’ (2016), but they have had a name change and are now back with the first release under the name ‘Serene Dark’. It took three […]

  • Being the daughter of one of the most influential bluesmen of all time is both a blessing and a curse, as while there is no doubt B.B. opened some doors for her there would have been a weight of expectations […]

  • I feel myself incredibly lucky in the last few years to have come across some amazing female singers, and there is no doubt that one of the finest is Katie Ware, otherwise known as Little Sparrow. Here she is back […]

  • Here we have the second single from Rain, following up on “Forget About You” which came out in August. That was quite a power pop belter in the likes of Pat Benatar or Blondie, but this is somewhat more res […]

  • Prior to 2017’s ‘There’s Something About Beryl’ the band imploded, leaving guitarist Tarquin as the sole remaining member. He pulled together a new band, they recorded the album, and now they are back with the nex […]

  • Recorded on August 10th at the Party San Festival 2019, Flugplatz Obermehler, Schlotheim, Germany, this finds the band in front of some rabid fans. Bassict/vocalist Schmier and guitarist Mike have been there since […]

  • FM are back with their twelfth studio album, and it is exactly what one expects from the guys, top quality melodic rock with great vocals, harmonies and hooks. The line-up of Steve Overland (vocals, guitars), Merv […]

  • Here we have yet another collection of gentle ditties from the highly prolific, and somewhat warped mind of Dave Brenner. This album features analogue and digital percussion, acoustic and electric guitars, bass, […]

  • There are multiple metal bands out there with the moniker ‘Paralysis’, but the one I am listening to here is the New Jersey-based thrash/crossover unit formed by singer/rhythm guitarist Jon Plemenik back in 201 […]

  • The first thing one notices when playing this album is that it feels very Norwegian, and not as if it is from a British Black Metal band at all, and then one hears the vocals of Gray Preston and it feels as if […]

  • The boys are back, four years after ‘Brotherhood of the Snake’, with their thirteenth studio album. I was a latecomer to the band, with ‘Dark Roots of Earth’ being the first time I really paid a great deal of atte […]

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