Kev Rowland wrote a new post 3 years ago
Rewind Fields is the experimental pop recording project of Auckland singer-songwriter Callum Lee, who discovered some previously unfinished and abandoned songs on an old laptop and revisited them to make an album. […]
Kev Rowland wrote a new post 3 years ago
{Iveta & Simone} are back with their latest single, following on from Obsessed which I reviewed back in October. This starts with some gentle piano chords, with a delicate 80’s synth over the top, and then we g […]
Kev Rowland wrote a new post 3 years ago
According to their Bandcamp page, Human Susan is an alien trying to assimilate herself into the world, navigating the absurdity and mundanity of human embodiment. A crunchy and sparkly cosmic soup. More […]
Kev Rowland wrote a new post 3 years ago
I think I need to start this review with a series of statements. I first came across South African born Lee when she signed to AAA Records for her debut NZ EP Lost Girl back in 2019, and my good friend TeMatera […]
Kev Rowland wrote a new post 3 years ago
Outnumbered is the debut single from Pōneke alt-folk artist {Greta O’Leary}, and from the first delicate picked notes on guitar, violin and double bass, the listener is being brought into an incredibly at […]
Kev Rowland wrote a new post 3 years ago
Wellington band The Barry Holt Cohort comprise of Barry on guitars and vocals, Chris Coad on fretless bass and Louie Levin, drum machine. Hailing from Liverpool, he grew up when that city was going through a […]
Kev Rowland wrote a new post 3 years ago
There are some albums where the listener feels they are intruding way too much on something which is incredibly private. Back in 1979 Dennis DeYoung had a major argument with the rest of Styx as he felt that even […]
Kev Rowland wrote a new post 3 years ago
There are surely few authors who have captured the imagination of musicians as much as 19th century author Edgar Allan Poe. From Iron Maiden to the series of amazing releases on Cadabra Records, artists have used […]
Kev Rowland wrote a new post 3 years ago
With the southern cross in the sky, and a turtle swimming in the pacific, I was intrigued by this album even before I put it on the player. For me, growing up and living in the UK for the first 40 years of my […]
Kev Rowland wrote a new post 3 years ago
This album was created by Victoria Bourne (vocals, Korg Kross Workstation) and Walt Shaw (kit, hand percussion, gongs, home-made instruments), and is one of the most unusual and interesting albums I have come […]
Kev Rowland wrote a new post 3 years ago
The Blood & Wires label was formed in 2020 by Scott Brown in Tauranga out of a desire to raise the profile of New Zealand based electronic and experimental artists. I love the way they describe their ethic, “We f […]
Kev Rowland wrote a new post 3 years ago
It is certain that when Violent Solution broke up in 1990, and thoughts turned to forming a new band, none of the guys expected to still be in it 30 years later. True, both Jan Rechberger and Olli-Pekka Laine had […]
Kev Rowland wrote a new post 3 years ago
While I may be most well-known for writing about progressive rock and metal, folk music has always held a place very close to my heart as there is never any room to hide and it is just so special, connected to our […]
Kev Rowland wrote a new post 3 years ago
I can’t remember the last time I was sent a CD in a slip sleeve – really nice, and something which doesn’t happen often these days. As one can tell from the title, this is a tribute album to composer and condu […]
Kev Rowland wrote a new post 3 years ago
Some 40+ years ago an album grabbed me and millions of others, and it seemed like every metal and rock fiend I knew had a copy of ‘At Budokan’. Of course, it has been reissued multiple times over the years, and […]
Kev Rowland wrote a new post 3 years ago
This is one of two Dan Rose albums issued on the same day last year. On this one we find electric guitarist Rose laying through a series of standards, which just a reverb on his guitar for company. It is unusual […]
Kev Rowland wrote a new post 3 years ago
The other Dan Rose album released on the same day last year was ‘New Leaves’ which finds him duetting with pianist Claudine François (the cedilla is not included in the title for some strange reason – I even c […]
Kev Rowland wrote a new post 3 years ago
At times it is hard to remember that FM have been around for nearly 40 years. Formed in 1984 by the ex-Samson pair of bassist Merv Goldsworthy and drummer Pete Jupp along with the Overland brothers – v […]
Kev Rowland wrote a new post 3 years ago
To say I am looking forward to Lee’s album to be released is something of a massive understatement, as I have been listening to it for months now, and I am convinced it is going to have a major impact. This is t […]
Kev Rowland wrote a new post 3 years ago
One can discover pretty much everything they need about the new single from Wellington duo {In The Shallows} by looking at the cover, as Let It Go is packed full of sunshine, festivals and fun. Although related to […]
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