Kev Rowland

  • I know I’ve said this before, but sooner or later Comatose Music are going to get themselves a heck of a reputation for finding and sourcing some of the best extreme metal music around, as this is yet another d […]

  • Formed in 2002, Eluveitie ((/ɛlˈveɪti/ el-VAY-ti)) is a Celtic folk metal band from Switzerland, who use both Swiss and Celtic instruments alongside electric guitars and drums, while their songs are performed in […]

  • Fornace were formed by bassist Possessed and drummer/vocalist Gnoll back in 2000, inspired by Rotting Christ and Varathron. Three demo tapes were released over the next eight years – ‘Highest Towers’ in 2002, […]

  • Time for a history lesson. Ghost Tower were formed in Bellevue, Nebraska in 2007, releasing a demo tape the following year and their debut album ‘Curse Of The Black Blood’ in 2010, following up two years later wit […]

  • Some albums feature musicians so in tune with each other and what everyone is doing that it isn’t possible to slip a sheet of paper between them, as they are just so tight, and that is exactly the case here. J […]

  • I listen to many types of music which could be said to be challenging, and at the very edges of what would normally be defined as music, but even I must confess that this album is incredibly hard work. Led by […]

  • The subtitle of this album is ‘Tribute to the Tenor Masters’, and it is exactly what it says on the tin as Jorge Nila and his band take on tunes which originally featured the likes of Sonny Rollins, John Col […]

  • Any album which starts with Cameron Britton (as Edmund Temper in the superb series ‘Mindhunter’) saying “it’s not easy butchering people, it’s hard work”, just has to be interesting and that is certainly t […]

  • It looks as if Comatose Music are building themselves a reputation for delivering some of the best death metal around, as Greek act Mass Infection are back with their fourth studio album, four years on from ‘For I […]

  • In 2014 Jake E. Lee announced his return to the music scene with a brand-new band. Although the tour didn’t exactly go as expected, with their debut live concert at West Hollywood’s Whisky A Go Go being widely c […]

  • The problem with a side project is that reviewers are duty bound to mention the other bands, even if the side project has been in existence for quite some time and is a valid entity in its own right. Well, I […]

  • Band name designed to shock? Check. Album title to let people know what the style of music is likely to be? Check. Old school artwork? Check and check again. Just in case the person looking at this in a store […]

  • This is the debut two-track EP from Crows Over Brávellir, a band formed by past and current members of Darkified and Grave. They are attempting to bring to life ancient tales from Scandinavia, blending history, […]

  • Anton Darusso was born and raised in Moscow, Russia where he studied piano at one of the best music schools, as well as taking private singing lessons. At the age of just seventeen, he moved to Costa Rica where […]

  • Frank Declercq, aka DC Snakebuster, is a one-man band/blues musician who hails from Tildonk a small village located in the Belgian province of Flemish Brabant near Wespelaar. This is an unusual album in that not […]

  • This is the debut album by Deth Crux, (who feature in their ranks members of US doom legends Buried at Sea and black/death heathens Lighting Swords of Death). They are described as channelling bands such as […]

  • Can it really be 20 years since these guys started to make a name for themselves by playing anywhere and everywhere, either at their own gigs or supporting others (I seem to recall one tour when one aim was to […]

  • This is the debut by US/Canadian black metal duo Wald Krypta, and the press release states that this is “an album that stands in stark contrast to the indulgent misadventures of “modern” black metal bands. Roote […]

  • On December 13th, 2017, Warrel Dane passed away in São Paulo while recording the follow-up to 2008’s ‘Praises To The War Machine’. ‘Shadow Work’ was supposed to be an 80 minutes long opus and while all instrument […]

  • Okay, so let’s be brutally frank and honest about this album right from the beginning. There will be some fans who feel Accept just haven’t been the same since the release of their iconic ‘Balls To The Wall’ […]

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